Mirror's Edge Patch 1.1 Crack
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A typical meshing step is the conversion of a set of polygons (e.g.,drawings) into a mesh. The algorithm processes the input oneline by line, opening the polygon into individual faces and triangulating thenew mesh. The quality of the mesh is an important feature of its result.For meshes that are generated from data, the quality can be controlledin many ways. Among others, the following options are provided bythe module:
max_triangles and max_vertices, which control the maximumnumber of triangles and vertices in the mesh. This is a hint to themeshing algorithm that produce only good meshes.
min_edge_length, which controls the minimum edge length of the newmesh, typically in percent of the length of the longest polygon. If min_edge_lengthis set to 0, the length of the longest edge is not used in the meshcontruction.
padding, which controls the amount of space between the input polygonsand the mesh. By default, the padding is set to the diameter of the largestinput polygon.
cut_angle, which controls the maximum angle between two faces ofthe mesh. By default, the cut-angle is set to 45 degrees.
cluster_angle, which controls the maximum angle between two trianglesthat share a common node. By default, this value is set to 90 degrees.
edge_min_length, which controls the minimum edge length between any two edges. By default, the minimum edge length is in percent of the length ofthe longest polygon. This helps to keep the mesh clean.
gap_size, which controls the minimum distance between two trianglesthat share a common node. By default, this value is set to 1/10 the gapbetween the two polygons in the input file. This helps to keep the meshclean.
tris_cut, which controls the minimum angle between the edges in a triangle. By default, this value is set to 45 degrees.
Get the line or surface nodes of all edges of all entities. Data is returnedby edge, with edges in the same order as in getElements and getElementsByType. If primary is set, only the primary (begin/end)nodes of the edges are returned. If tag < 0, get the edge nodesfor all entities.
Create a curve loop. The first two arguments are the tag of the loop andthe number of control handles. Return an array of handles which form thecurve, in the same order as argument 1. Warning: this is anexperimental feature and will probably change in a future release.
Set the wireTags of a single edge of all elements of type elementTypeclassified on the entity of tag tag, with tag a positive integer. Data is returned byelement. The edges are considered as the wire curves of the edges in theOpenCASCADE CAD representation.
Set the wireTags of the edges of all elements of type elementType classifiedon the entity of tag tag, with tag a positive integer. Data is returned byelement. The edges are considered as the wire curves of the edges in theOpenCASCADE CAD representation.
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