The Secret Of Candlestick Charting Louise Bedford.pdf
The Secret Of Candlestick Charting Louise Bedford.pdf -
The book also includes an appendix to help readers understand the basics of candlestick charting and why this type of chart is widely used. The appendix includes:
Candlestick charts
Candlestick charting in practice
The aim of this book is to help you understand candlestick charting and how to use candlesticks to profitably trade the markets. Trading can be a very profitable pastime as the markets are very volatile, but to do so you need to understand the markets. Candlestick charting is a relatively inexpensive method to understand the market and how it behaves. Candlesticks have been around for a very long time in Japan and have been around for centuries in Asia, but only recently have they become popular in the Western world.
The book is organized as follows:
Aims and objectives
An introduction to candlesticks
Candlestick charting
The psychology of trading
The trading environment
Finding trading opportunities
Recognizing, measuring and using tools
Trading systems
Trading strategies
Candlestick charting uses simple bar charts to show the price movements. The bars show ranges of prices. A white bar is a bar at or near the open. A grey bar is a bar between the open and the close. A black bar is a bar near the close.
There are three parts to the book: in the first part, the author covers the rationale for candlestick charting. In the second part, she covers how to use the candlesticks to understand the action in the market and how to use them to trade the market. The last part in the book covers the psychology of trading, which is vital for any trader.
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