Download Facebook Hack 1.7 By The Joker Step 2
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Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih kepada Hendar yang telah memberikan informasi tentang software ini. Software hack ini merupakan software keluaran baru dari Mr. Joker. Dimana terdapat versi-versi sebelumnya yaitu Facebook Hacker v 1.0, v 1.2, v 1.5 dan yang terakhir adalah v.1.7. Perbedaannya sangat sedikit Facebook Hacker 1.7 mempunyai dua password jika anda membuka software tersebut. sedangkan versi-versi sebelumya hanya diminta satu password. Kesamaan software ini adalah mempunyai dua fungsi. Fungsi yang pertama memprotect atau menjaga account facebook kita dari hacker dan yang kedua membobol account facebook orang. Mari kita lihat langkah-langkah menggunakannya.Langkah 1 : Sebelum mendownload software ini matikan dulu Anti Virus.Langkah 2 : Silahkan download Facebook Hack 1.7 By The Jocker. Download Via ZidduRar Password : didid.irmawanLangkah 3 : Setelah terdownload, buka software tersebut maka tampilannya akan keluar seperti ini.Langkah 4 : Klik Enter maka akan diperintah masukan password. Setelah password yang anda masukan benar maka akan terlihat tampilan seperti di bawah ini.Code Facebook Hack 1.7 by the joker step 1 : 123456Code Facebook Hack 1.7 by the joker Step 2 : asselLangkah 5 : Pilih Facebook untuk menghack account orang dan klik Protect Facebook untuk menjaga facebook anda agar tidak dihack.Untuk Code keduanya silahkan lihat di menu Password.Okay...sekian dulu tips dari saya semoga bermanfaat dan semoga anda berhasil.Sumber :
In January 2014, the Seculert Research Lab identified a new targeted attack that used Xtreme RAT (Remote Access Toolkit). Spear phishing emails targeted Israeli organizations to deploy the advanced malware. 15 machines were compromised - including those belonging to the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria.In August 2014, iCloud leaked almost 500 private celebrity photos, many containing nudity. It was discovered during the investigation that Ryan Collins accomplished this phishing attack by sending emails to the victims that looked like legitimate Apple and Google warnings, alerting the victims that their accounts may have been compromised and asking for their account details. The victims would enter their password, and Collins gained access to their accounts, downloading emails and iCloud backups.In September 2014, Home Depot suffered a massive breach, with the personal and credit card data of 100+million shoppers posted for sale on hacking websites.In November 2014, ICANN employees became victims of spear phishing attacks, and its DNS zone administration system was compromised, allowing the attackers to get zone files and personal data about users in the system, such as their real names, contact information, and salted hashes of their passwords. Using these stolen credentials, the hackers tunneled into ICANN's network and compromised the Centralized Zone Data System (CZDS), their Whois portal and more.
Security patches are released for popular browsers all the time. They are released in response to the security loopholes that phishers and other hackers inevitably discover and exploit. If you typically ignore messages about updating your browsers, stop. The minute an update is available, download and install it. 153554b96e