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As the cooling water flows through the cooling tower, heat is transferred from the water to the air, producing a concentrated spray of water droplets that condense and fall to the fill. In reverse, the unit is capable of returning heat to the water via the air flowing through the unit. This process increases cooling efficiency by building up a multitude of tiny condensing droplets. A majority of the heat remaining in the water is rejected by these droplets as they fall and disperse into the atmosphere. The spread in droplet size contributes equilibrium temperature which in turn, increases overall cooling efficiency. In addition to the size of the droplet, its location provides information on the temperature and humidity of the air and on the type of cooling tower used.
The end point, that is the exit nozzle, will be selected considering the same procedure as the starting point, but now its coordinates are displayed in the To window instead of the From window. Both ports end point can be selected at the same time.
The yellow arrow shows the scenario in which the path changes the direction, because of a discontinuity (straight pipe section). The straight pipe section can pass between two nodes, and it can alter the route path.
In this window it is possible to define the door thickness (distance between two walls) as well as the material type of the pipe. You can lock any node that is connected to the destination until a particular thickness of the doors are set. d2c66b5586