Metasploit 2.7 Released Automated Hacking
Metasploit 2.7 Released Automated Hacking >>>
1. Introduction1.1 Requirements1.2 Background1.3 How to use it2. Attack modes2.1 test2.2 fingerprint2.3 bruteforce2.4 escalation2.5 resurrectxp2.6 upload2.7 dirshell2.8 backscan2.9 revshell2.10 icmpshell2.11 dnstunnel2.12 metasploit2.13 sqlcmd2.14 getdata2.15 Other attacks3. Configuration file3.1 Basic options3.2 Data extration options3.3 Advanced options4. Other useful information4.1 Credits4.2 Disclaimer4.3 Feedback4.4 Wisdom4.5 Authors1. IntroductionSqlninja's goal is to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications that use Microsoft SQL Server as back end. It is released under the GPLv3. 153554b96e