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The Gif Animator is simple to use and integrates well into the normal file handling routine which makes it easy to work with. It has some features that would be difficult to explore within the tools that normally come with Windows. It supports many highly specific and esoteric features that you wouldn't likely use. Just a few include: It is possible to have your program play a sound when a GIF is open. You can segment the frames within your animation. Within the options menu, you can quickly change the colors, fonts, and position of each picture It is possible to save all your created animation into a single file. You can drag the finished document to a hosting site to access it later. Within the options menu, you can include a description, contact link, and comments. It is possible to add a logo to your file. This logo will remain pretty much exactly where you pick it if you use the standard translucent frames. In the settings menu, you can for example count the number of times that the frame you are targeting has been laid over.
The Gif Animator makes creating animations very simple, and while this isn't as hard as it could be, the alternative and most-often used to tools just isn't get the job done. It's certainly not the most-powerful default editor, but it gets the job done trivially and reliably. The setup interface is simple and uncluttered, and only requires the basics. Once you've setup your frame size, there are a good deal of complex options that make the software powerful but avoid overwhelming the users.
The data format of the Gif Animator is not particularly rich or powerful, and only allows you to save the animation as a GIF, or some variation of it. If you need to save your animation for download, you will need an additional program, or to use the application as a source for yet another. d2c66b5586