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In the germline, LMN-1 phosphorylation by the master meiotic kinases CHK-2, and to a lesser extent PLK-2, contribute to transient lamina disassembly, facilitating homologous chromosome movement during meiotic prophase (Link et al., 2018) and for review (Zetka et al., 2020). Phosphorylation of these eight sites also impacts on lamina depolymerization during mitosis. Indeed, lamina disassembly is delayed in embryos expressing a gfp::lmn-1 transgene encoding a LMN-1 version carrying these eight serine residues replaced by alanines ([LMN-1 8A], Figure 3) in a lmn-1 null deletion strain (Link et al., 2018). However, as eight of the fifteen LMN-1 sites phosphorylated by PLK-1 in vitro have been mutated to alanine on the gfp::lmn-1 8A transgene, we reasoned that plk-1 inactivation in gfp::lmn-1 8A mutant embryos should further stabilize the lamina network during mitosis. To test this hypothesis, we used spinning disk confocal microscopy to monitor and quantify lamina disassembly during mitosis in embryos expressing GFP::LMN-1 WT, or GFP::LMN-1 8A in control conditions or upon partial inactivation of plk-1 by RNAi (Figure 3).
12,15,16,20). The oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, but not the rectus abdominus, have been shown via electromyography (EM0) to be primary...RECIPIENT’S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) S. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Intra- abdominal and intra-thoracic pressures during lifting and...pressure (ITP) and intra- abdominal pressure (lAP) during lifting and jumping, 11 males were monitored as they performed the dead lift (DL), slide row
To consolidate pediatric intensivists' understanding of the pathophysiology, definition, incidence, monitoring, and management of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS); and to highlight the characteristics related to the pediatric population. This is a narrative review article that utilized a systematic search of the medical literature published in the English language between January 1990 and august 2016. Studies were identified by conducting a comprehensive search of Pub Med databases. Search terms included "intra-abdominal hypertension and child", "intra-abdominal hypertension and pediatrics", "abdominal compartment syndrome and child", and "abdominal compartment syndrome and pediatrics". Intra-abdominal hypertension and ACS are associated with a number of pathophysiological disturbances and increased morbidity and mortality. These conditions have been well described in critically ill adults. In children, the IAH and the ACS have a reported incidence of 13% and 0.6 to 10% respectively; they carry similar prognostic impact but are still under-diagnosed and under-recognized by pediatric health care providers. Intra-abdominal hypertension and ACS are conditions that are regularly encountered in critically ill children. They are associated with an increased morbidity and mortality. Early recognition, prevention and timely management of this critical condition are necessary to improve its outcome. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Resumo Contexto O consumo de crack é um dos grandes desafios em saúde pública, e o uso dessa droga tem efeitos diretos na saúde de seus usuários. Objetivos Avaliar o perfil das alterações vasculares em pacientes com dependência de crack em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e Drogas (CAPS-AD) e observar os possíveis efeitos vasculares periféricos. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo observacional, descritivo, de corte transversal. Os pacientes da amostra foram submetidos a um questionário objetivo para avaliar questões demográficas, padrão de uso da droga, coexistência de diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial ou tabagismo, exame físico e ecográfico. Os dados foram sumarizados e analisados estatisticamente com teste qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. Resultados A média de idade da amostra foi de 33,29 (±7,15) anos, e 74% eram do gênero masculino. A média de idade de início de uso da droga foi de 23,4 (±7,78) anos, com tempo médio de uso de 9,58 (±5,64) anos. O consumo médio diário de pedras de crack foi de 21,45 (±8,32) pedras. A alteração de pulsos em membros inferiores foi mais frequente em mulheres. A prevalência do espessamento da parede arterial nos membros inferiores foi de 94,8%. O tempo de uso da droga apresentou associação estatística (p = 0,0096) com alteração do padrão de curva espectral das artérias dos membros inferiores. Conclusões Há alterações vasculares periféricas em usuários de crack. O tempo de uso da droga exerceu um maior impacto nesse sistema, o que sugere associação entre o uso do crack e a diminuição de fluxo arterial.
Resumo Contexto Os aneurismas de aorta abdominal (AAAs) são os mais comuns. A incidência anual de ruptura do AAA é de oito casos por 100.000 habitantes. A detecção incidental pode beneficiar o paciente, desde que o diâmetro seja monitorado e o paciente receba o tratamento adequado. Objetivos Estimar a prevalência do diagnóstico incidental de aneurisma de aorta torácica (AAT) e de AAA em tomografias computadorizadas (TCs); avaliar a prevalência de sexo e idade dos pacientes e determinar quais as artérias acometidas e as características morfológicas dos aneurismas; determinar quais as indicações de TC mais associadas ao diagnóstico incidental de aneurismas. Métodos Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e randomizado. Critérios de inclusão: pacientes com 50 anos ou mais submetidos a TC de tórax, abdome ou pelve. Critérios de exclusão: acompanhamento ou suspeita diagnóstica de aneurismas. Foram utilizados protocolos com questões sobre dados demográficos e anatômicos. Resultados Foram analisados 1.202 laudos radiológicos. Detectados 27 aneurismas (prevalência de 2,2%). Pacientes: 60% do sexo masculino e 40% do sexo feminino (p < 0,05). Localização: 13 casos (48,2%) na aorta ascendente (AAT); 7 (25,9%) na aorta infrarrenal (AAA); 2 (7,4%) aorta na transição toracoabdominal (ATA); 2 (7,4%) na ilíaca comum; 1 (3,7%) na ilíaca interna; 1 (3,7%) na artéria esplênica; e 1 (3,7%) na artéria renal. Conclusões A maioria dos pacientes foi do sexo masculino (60%); houve maior frequência de AAT (diâmetro médio de 4,1 cm), seguido de AAA (diâmetro médio de 4,0 cm) e ATA (diâmetro médio de 3,9 cm). A principal indicação para a realização de TC associada ao diagnóstico incidental de aneurismas foi em função de sintomas respiratórios. PMID:29930574
Objectives To monitor the early effect of a national population screening programme for abdominal aortic aneurysm in 65-year-old men. Setting The study used national statistics for death rates from abdominal aortic aneurysm (Office of National Statistics) and hospital admission data in England (Hospital Episode Statistics). Methods Information concerning deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysm (ruptured and non-ruptured) (1999-2014) and hospital admissions for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (2000-2015) was examined. Results The absolute number of deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysm in men and women aged 65 and over has decreased by around 30% from 2001 to 2014, but as the population has increased, the relative reduction was 45.6% and 40.0%, respectively. Some 65% of all abdominal aortic aneurysm deaths are in men aged over 65; women aged 65 and over account for around 31%. Deaths from ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in men aged 60-74 (the screened group) appear to be declining at the same rate as in men aged 75 and over. The relative decline in admissions to hospital with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm may be greater in men and women aged 60-74 (which contains the screened group of men), than those older, giving the first possible evidence that abdominal aortic aneurysm screening is having an effect. Conclusion The death rate from abdominal aortic aneurysm is declining rapidly in England. There is the first evidence that screening may be contributing to this reduction.
Intra-abdominal hypertension can be classified as either primary or secondary. Primary intra-abdominal hypertension is often associated through trauma or diseases of the abdominopelvic region such as pancreatitis or abdominal surgery, while secondary intra-abdominal hypertension is the result of extra-abdominal causes such as sepsis or burns. The critically ill patient offers some challenges in monitoring in particular secondary intra-abdominal hypertension because of the effects of fluid resuscitation, the use of inotropes and positive pressure ventilation. Recent work suggests that intensive care unit nurses are often unaware of the secondary effects of intra-abdominal pressure and therefore this is not monitored effectively. Therefore being aware of the cardio-respiratory effects may alert theintensive care nurse nurse to the development of intra-abdominal hypertension. The aim of this paper is to discuss the pathophysiology associated with the cardio-respiratory effects seen with intra-abdominal hypertension in the critically ill. In particular it will discuss how intra-abdominal hypertension can inadvertently be overlooked because of the low flow states that it produces which could be misconstrued as something else. It will also discuss how intra-abdominal hypertension impedes ventilation and respiratory mechanics which can often result in a non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. To close, the paper will offer some implications for critical care nursing practice. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The paper discusses an experimental design of the wireless system for monitoring intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) using Bluetooth Low Energy technology. The possibility of measuring IAP via the bladder using a wireless pressure sensor with a hydrophobic bacteria filter between the liquid transmitting medium and the sensor element is grounded.
OBJECTIVE To estimate the degree of educational inequality in the occurrence of abdominal obesity in a population of non-faculty civil servants at university campi. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, we used data from 3,117 subjects of both genders aged 24 to 65-years old, regarding the baseline of Pró-Saúde Study, 1999-2001. Abdominal obesity was defined according to abdominal circumference thresholds of 88 cm for women and 102 cm for men. A multi-dimensional, self-administered questionnaire was used to evaluate education levels and demographic variables. Slope and relative indices of inequality, and Chi-squared test for linear trend were used in the data analysis. All analyses were stratified by genders, and the indices of inequality were standardized by age. RESULTS Abdominal obesity was the most prevalent among women (43.5%; 95%CI 41.2;45.9), as compared to men (24.3%; 95%CI 22.1;26.7), in all educational strata and age ranges. The association between education levels and abdominal obesity was an inverse one among women (p < 0.001); it was not statistically significant among men (p = 0.436). The educational inequality regarding abdominal obesity in the female population, in absolute terms (slope index of inequality), was 24.0% (95%CI 15.5;32.6). In relative terms (relative index of inequality), it was 2.8 (95%CI 1.9;4.1), after the age adjustment. CONCLUSIONS Gender inequality in the prevalence of abdominal obesity increases with older age and lower education. The slope and relative indices of inequality summarize the strictly monotonous trend between education levels and abdominal obesity, and it described educational inequality regarding abdominal obesity among women. Such indices provide relevant quantitative estimates for monitoring abdominal obesity and dealing with health inequalities. PMID:26465669 2b1af7f3a8